Deepak hails from a picturesque town of Lucknow, and his first encounter with drums was in a military club there which sparked a passion that has since been unwavering. For the past ten years, he has managed to tour extensively in and around the country performing in various bands, covering different genres like rock, R&B, jazz and world music. His affinity for Jazz and Afro Cuban styles have kept him busy, performing with the Blue Note Ensemble in Delhi and the Brian Molly Collective at the Madras Jazz Festival 2019. To further hone his craft, he studied drums with Reuben Narain in Delhi and eventually at the KM Music Conservatory under the tutelage of Anantha Krishnan. He has done his Undergraduate Diploma in Music Performance and Music Production from KM music conservatory and University of Middlesex. His interest in music doesn’t end there in teaching and performing; Deepak enjoys producing music in his off time. All in all, his many years of experience in world music is one his greatest attributes which he believes all students should be exposed to.