Sagar Gusain hails from the Doon Ghati, also known as Dehradoon; the Dev Bhoomi of India. Soon after he discovered his talents at the keyboard, he found Bridge Music Academy and started traveling to Delhi over the weekends for his musical studies. He learnt Piano and Theory of Music under mentorship of Mr. Ritesh Khokhar. Majority of his training has been online as he found virtual lessons as effective, if not more! He went on to score the highest marks in North India for Grade 5 and Grade 6 Rockschool exams in 2 consecutive years.

Sagar taught for 2 years at the Salwan Public School, as part of their tie-up with Bridge Music Academy. Hundreds of students have learnt under his expert guidance over past 4 years. He is well versed and comfortable teaching both classical and contemporary repertoire, due to which he is much in demand with young learners.

Being curious and every hungry for knowledge of different genres of music, Sagar is currently pursuing Grade 8 exam in Piano from RSL Awards and exploring Jazz under the guidance of his mentors.

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